Monday, July 16, 2012

John Mayer Serenades Scares Off Women With 50 Shades of Grey Tribute

For a man who moved to the middle of Montana to escape the limelight, John Mayer sure does enjoy rambling incoherently on national television!
John went on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon earlier this week and recounted his recent failure to woo a woman by singing her excerpts from 50 Shades of Grey.
So, how'd it go??
John [...]

Wow! Robin Thicke is just as passionate as ever!! We need to cool ourselves down here for a bit. Ha!

His Duets partners have to be MELTING after every rehearsal, performance! How do we know this!?! Because WE'RE melting just watching them!!

Olivia Chisholm absolutely sparkled throughout their rendition of Lost Without You (above). That gurl is a shiny beacon of inspiration for ANY aspiring singer!!

And don't even get us started on Alexis Foster! With Magic, she brought the FuNK! If you wanna feel good for the rest of the day, you better press that PLAY button ...AFTER THE JUMP!

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