Saturday, June 30, 2012

Philadelphia Nightlife And Nightclubs

Without a doubt, Led Zeppelin is one of the greatest Rock Bands of all time. Their music has influenced millions of people and there over all personality helped shape the face of Rock music as we know it. I am personally an enormous fan of Led Zeppelin. So when the question of "what are the best Led Zeppelin songs of all time," was recently raised during a conversation amongst friends,it got me thinking strongly about the subject, here's what I came up with...

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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

No Doubt Amps Album Anticipation With New Webseries!!

Okay, SO!
You know we're super pumped for No Doubt's new album to drop. We were beyond ourselves in enthusiasm when we saw the video announcement last weekend!
But these cool cats are giving us more, more, more!!!
It looks like they'll be delivering a docu-webseries with new webisodes landing one by one as we [...]

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Red Hot Chili Peppers Dedicate Newark Concert To Late MCA Adam Yauch

The death of Beastie Boy Adam Yauch devastated the music world (and us) this past Friday.
While some celebs mourned the late MCA through Twitter, Coldplay honored Adam's playful spirit in a cover of Fight For Your Right, and comedian Fred Armisen donned clothing similar to the iconic rapper's during the closing credits [...]

Please don't let this be the end!!!!

The ABC drama, Once Upon A Time's season finale is approaching this upcoming Sunday and it sounds like it's going to be one you definitely won't want to miss!!

The show has been SUPER successful in its freshman season, and while we got some spoilers last week, we now have a promo to hold us over!

Check out what's in store for us in A Land Without Magic (above)!!!

Looks like it's sure to be a CRAZY episode!!!

Good versus evil...which will will out??? And will Henry live?!

Better yet -- what will we do until next season...?!

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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Next Week, On Once Upon A Time…

Please don't let this be the end!!!!
The ABC drama, Once Upon A Time's season finale is approaching this upcoming Sunday and it sounds like it's going to be one you definitely won't want to miss!!
The show has been SUPER successful in its freshman season, and while we got some spoilers last week, we now have [...]

You would never even guess that these two were having any problems at all!

Ashley Tisdale and her on-again, off-again boyfriend, Scott Speer, were spotted enjoying the beautiful El Lay weather this weekend while out and about in the actress' neighborhood on Cinco De Mayo, looking affectionate, happy, and adorable!

Ch-ch-check 'em out (above)!

Nothing like some fresh air and light exercise with your BF!

Glad to see you guys have worked out whatever issues you had and are still going strong!

[Image via Ability Films.]

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Monday, June 25, 2012

Survivor One World, Episode 12 Recap

We begin our recap of Survivor One World, Episode 12 on Night 30. The gang has returned to Camp Tikiano after giving Troyzan the boot at Tribal Council. The girls are glad he′s gone. But Alicia seems upset that Christina was less than loyal. So if Tarzan the last man standing, the knives are being sharpened as the ladies begin to eye each other for elimination. Alicia thinks she is running the show, but as we′ll see, she may be in for a rude awakening. Jeff Probst reunites the players of Survivor One World with their loved ones. Image Credit: Day 31 and tree mail comes courtesy of Sprint. Yes, the tribe receives video messages from their loved ones. They are on the island and the Reward Challenge prize is a picnic with family. So Jeff Probst brings out the family members one at a time. We get plenty of tear-jerking tales and happy reunions. Players team up with their loved ones to compete on a rope obstacle race. They are tethered together as they work their way through the twisting ropes. Kim and her sister Beth are out front but Kat and her cousin Robby close the gap [...]

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Sunday, June 24, 2012

Arts and Entertainment:Music from

The history of the trumpet is rich and full, it has roots in rural African villages. Animal horns were used to summon the villagers together for a common mutual purpose usually by the King. It is no wonder that the King Trumpet derived its majestic name from such practices that spread beyond the village. Today the rustic horn has been transformed into a piece of harmonic musical instrument that is lovely, soulful, jazzy and sentimental to behold.

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Saturday, June 23, 2012

Bronze Plaques A Source of Beauty, Prestige and Heritage

Death has hung over season 5 of Mad Men, like Charles Whitman up in that bell tower, and this week the first unexpected victim was taken - Sally's childhood. The episode title, At the Codfish Ball, refers to a song and dance number performed by Shirley Temple and Buddy Ebsen (that's right - Jed Clampett) in Captain January, one of Temple's best-known films.

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Friday, June 22, 2012

Arts and Entertainment:Music from

Cinemas, schools, conference rooms, recording studios and even personal toilets make use of acoustical material to manipulate, decrease or amplify the sound. The feeling of being part of the action in a cinema hall, and being able to listen to the lecturer speak right at the front of the lecture hall would not have been possible without acoustical materials.

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Thursday, June 21, 2012

Les News, 060412

Queen Elizabeth, II has always loved her corgis. [Buzzfeed] The Rock of Ages soundtrack leaks to the Internets. [ONTD!] Beyoncé, Jay-Z and Blue Ivy take Paris, France. [PopSugar] Nicki Minaj bails on performing at the Summer Jam. [GossipCop] Russian Vogue is ready for the Olympics. [Oh La La] Oprah Winfrey pays a visit to Neil [...]

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Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Jennifer Lopez Rihanna To Perform On Idol Finale Along With…

Looks like Idol is pulling out ALL the stops for their season 11 finale tonight!
While we previously mentioned that Kristin Chenoweth will be performing Donna Summer’s Enough Is Enough with Barbra Streisand finalist Jessica Sanchez, that’s just the beginning for the show’s performances!
The girl finalists will hit the stage with an all-out Donna tribute and [...]


Emmy-winning Sheldon Cooper Jim Parsons has finally revealed his Big Bang news...

Surprise! He's gay!!

Yes, he once thanked Todd Spiewak, his partner of ten years, during a Golden Globe acceptance speech. And yes, tabloids speculated an engagement. But Jim never officially addressed his sexuality. Until now..

In a New York Times profile, the status of his sexual orientation was nonchalantly addressed, confirming the Theory that many fans already held.

And to all of this we say CONGRATS! ALL OVER!!

[Image via PNP/WENN.]

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Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Going Full Circle: A Future of Independent Art

Being a die hard Boston Bruins fan, I am struggling trying not to cheer on Holtby! Who is Braden Holtby? This guy has been amazing, his flexibility in the net is blowing my mind. I was watching him and what he does prior to a game and his focus and visualization is just amazing and its working who knew...

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Monday, June 18, 2012

How to Start Your Male Modeling Career

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Sunday, June 17, 2012

Adam Levine Is Cold To Javier Colon

Ice cold!
Adam Levine is turning his back on The Voice season one winner, Javier Colon!
So, for Tuesday night's elimination episode of The Voice last season's final four contestants are returning to make a special live performance.
All the old contestants will be singing with someone famous — Team Blake Shelton’s Dia Frampton will [...]

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Saturday, June 16, 2012

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Coupons online Dunkin Donuts and free Dunkin Donuts coupons are offered by Dunkin Donuts which is the largest baked goods and coffee chain in the world since 1950. Apart from that, Dunkin Donuts provides their loyal customers with baked goods, coffee, donuts, and bagels of high quality. However, they are immensely popular around the world [...]

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Thursday, June 14, 2012

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Coupons online Dunkin Donuts and free Dunkin Donuts coupons are offered by Dunkin Donuts which is the largest baked goods and coffee chain in the world since 1950. Apart from that, Dunkin Donuts provides their loyal customers with baked goods, coffee, donuts, and bagels of high quality. However, they are immensely popular around the world [...]

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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Drum Playing for Beginners, Choosing Drums

Drummers are no exceptions when it comes to having their respective musical instrument playing styles. In addition, drummers need to versatility to recreate their drum playing styles. And choosing correct drum sets is an important factor for such. Selecting the kit best fitted for your style is like choosing a brand new car very carefully, and this requires a personal approach.

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Tuesday, June 12, 2012

4 Key Elements to Consider in Selecting Snare Drums

I can still remember how it was when I was still learning how to play the guitar. It was in my freshman year in college when it occurred to me that I really should learn another skill. It was not easy at first, but thanks to the simple tips my mentors shared to me, I was able to play my first song after three days. Here are some of the most useful tips:

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Monday, June 11, 2012

Courtney Love Launches Her First Art Exhibition In NYC

Courtney Love debuted her first art exhibition in New York’s art district of Chelsea last night at the Fred Torres gallery. This is Courtney’s first public display of her art and is an exhibition of works on paper. Today the gallery opens to the public, and we can get further insight into Courtney’s thoughts and [...]

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Sunday, June 10, 2012

Water Parks Excitement for Kids of All Ages

The nature institute offers family attractions that give adults and children an opportunity to both learn and have fun. Guests can get a hands-on experience through many interactive programs, enjoy live music and entertainment, participate in educational presentations at the 3D theater, and much more.

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Saturday, June 9, 2012

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Coupons online Dunkin Donuts and free Dunkin Donuts coupons are offered by Dunkin Donuts which is the largest baked goods and coffee chain in the world since 1950. Apart from that, Dunkin Donuts provides their loyal customers with baked goods, coffee, donuts, and bagels of high quality. However, they are immensely popular around the world [...]

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Friday, June 8, 2012

New True Blood Deets Help Satisfy The Thirst Til June 10!

Can you hear that, Truebies??
It's the sound of blood dripping from Alexander Skarsgard's sexxy fangs!!
We're SO close to the Season 5 premiere of HBO's hottest show True Blood, and NOTHING is stopping this infuriating anticipation!
Luckily, new cast-member Carolyn Hennesy opened her mouth to give some good gab. Like blood, these little bits [...]

Will, Will, Will!

You need to take a chill pill, Will! That's one slippery hill with a bill at the bottom that you do NOT want to pay! Let us fill you in, readers!

Will Smith SLAPPED a reporter across the face, with the back of his hand, when the reporter tried to kiss him on the red carpet for Men In Black 3 in Moscow!

The actor was kind enough to indulge in a hug, but then Will quickly reaches his fill of the PDA, he shoves the reporter back, and then b**** slaps him!


Afterwards, he said:

"He's lucky I didn't sucker punch him!"

Will then composed himself and remained positive (as much as you can after slapping someone) while he did other interviews on his way to the premiere!

It looks like to us that the Ukrainian reporter just brushes up against his lips, but we hear that it's actually his schtick to kiss celebrities when on the red carpet.

Still, Will must have felt ill when the reporter was all up in his grill without permission.

We'll just crush the rumor mill here: Will has come out in support of gay marriage, so we don't think it was because of homophobia -- just people invading spaces they weren't given permission to invade!

Either way -- not cool to jump to violence, Will!

We expect more from you!

[Image via WENN.]

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Thursday, June 7, 2012

Rihanna: Behind The SEXY Scenes Of Where Have You Been!!

Imagine our joy when we noticed Rihanna released these flawless behind-the-scene photos from her Where Have You Been video!
There's so much side-boob, she's right - she could turn anyone bi (including us), ha!
Take a gander at these saucy photos (below) and tell us UR not in-love!!
P.S! Miss the video? No [...]

You lucky, lucky gurl!!

Amidst rumors of Mark Consuelos' sexy stripper past, wifey Kelly Ripa confirms it!!!

But no, Magic Mike is NOT about Mark, HAH!

Kelly tells Vanity Fair:

A lot of hot guys in Hollywood have done that. I even have an old calendar pinup of him. He was straight out of college -- he went to Notre Dame but he finished his degree at the University of South Florida. So, there he was in South Florida, he's gorgeous, looking to break into show business, so he started off as a roadie to a group of these guys, and then they talked him into stripping.

Honest!! We love it!!

Must be great never having to pay for a lapdance ever again!

[Image via WENN.]

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Wednesday, June 6, 2012

ABC Renews Once Greys Anatomy Among A Smorgasbord Of Shows!

Oh JOY!! Our FAVE modern take on all things fairy tale, Once Upon A time, will be getting a sophomore season (perhaps set in its magical world of origin?!).
Grey’s Anatomy will also be squeezing out more medical melodrama next fall… it’s still making those big $$$, why mess with a money [...]

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Heidi Klum Lights NYCs Empire State Building Red To Fight Blood Cancer

The gorgeous, Heidi Klum, has surfaced in New York today to climb atop the city’s iconic, Empire State Building, and light it red and white in support of the fight to cure blood cancer. Heidi also spoke at the annual event, and posted a series of cute pics to her Twitter account showing her with [...]

The great news is that I got to see The Avengers last night!! The bad news is that I can’t review the film until Monday so … yeah. To be honest, I almost didn’t make it to the screening last night because of my crazy bizzy schedule. David and I returned home from NYC late Tuesday night and then we fly out to Mexico in just a few hours today so I didn’t have much time to do anything yesterday. After I worked, ran my errands and got in a quick workout, I made my way out to Burbank, CA to attend the screening on the Walt Disney Studios lot last night. It was a bizzy but mostly fun day.

I can say that I liked the film — A LOT! I cannot wait to tell you more but, alas, because of the review embargo I have to wait until Monday. So let’s change the topic. In the past few months, I read an amazing biography on Walt Disney and learned all about the Multiplane Camera that the Disney Studio invented when they created Snow White. One of those Mutiplane Cameras was on display at the Disney Studio yesterday and I got to check it out up close. Just … freaking cool as Hell :) Honestly, getting to see that camera up close was one of the highlights of my day :)

Today … we fly to Mexico. The wedding is Saturday so we’ll be bizzy until we get home on Sunday. I’ll be working as much as I can so you guys won’t miss me too much :) Have a great Thursday, y’all! I’ll see y’all next South of the Border :)
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Tuesday, June 5, 2012

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Coupons online Dunkin Donuts and free Dunkin Donuts coupons are offered by Dunkin Donuts which is the largest baked goods and coffee chain in the world since 1950. Apart from that, Dunkin Donuts provides their loyal customers with baked goods, coffee, donuts, and bagels of high quality. However, they are immensely popular around the world [...]

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Sunday, June 3, 2012

Guitar Lessons for Kids What Kids Need To Learn in The Beginning and Tips to Help Make It Fun

When you are seeking to create an original and effective tone for your guitar, you will want to arrange your guitar pedal board in the most efficient manner. The pedal board helps to keep pedals and effects in the same area, so they do not rotate or slip when they are stepped on. While most pedal boards rely on a square or boxy form, they can be customized so that your pedals can be placed in a semi-circle or some other shape.

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Saturday, June 2, 2012

A Guide to Effects Placement on the Guitar Pedal Board

If you've had a bit of experience playing or fixing unrestored vintage guitars, then chances are you are aware of the sight of very small cracks appearing all throughout the finish. It is described as finish checking and it is particularly typical on aged guitars that have a lacquer finish, but could possibly appear on new instruments also under the right (or wrong) circumstances. Lacquer is a very "breathable" finish.

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Friday, June 1, 2012

The Classic Gibson Guitar

In order to sing country songs well, try singing with your head voice. Usually, you need to sing with your head voice when you require hitting high notes as singing with your throat can cause it to get strained and you may even go into falsetto. Country singers usually have very good high pitches and head voices can sound more seamless with a lot more flow and power. Also, with country singing you have to learn to pronounce your words correctly and your diction should be right. Enunciation varies from pitch to pitch, you might say a word differently than when you are singing it, and hence it is important to have a clear pronunciation.

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