Friday, June 8, 2012

New True Blood Deets Help Satisfy The Thirst Til June 10!

Can you hear that, Truebies??
It's the sound of blood dripping from Alexander Skarsgard's sexxy fangs!!
We're SO close to the Season 5 premiere of HBO's hottest show True Blood, and NOTHING is stopping this infuriating anticipation!
Luckily, new cast-member Carolyn Hennesy opened her mouth to give some good gab. Like blood, these little bits [...]

Will, Will, Will!

You need to take a chill pill, Will! That's one slippery hill with a bill at the bottom that you do NOT want to pay! Let us fill you in, readers!

Will Smith SLAPPED a reporter across the face, with the back of his hand, when the reporter tried to kiss him on the red carpet for Men In Black 3 in Moscow!

The actor was kind enough to indulge in a hug, but then Will quickly reaches his fill of the PDA, he shoves the reporter back, and then b**** slaps him!


Afterwards, he said:

"He's lucky I didn't sucker punch him!"

Will then composed himself and remained positive (as much as you can after slapping someone) while he did other interviews on his way to the premiere!

It looks like to us that the Ukrainian reporter just brushes up against his lips, but we hear that it's actually his schtick to kiss celebrities when on the red carpet.

Still, Will must have felt ill when the reporter was all up in his grill without permission.

We'll just crush the rumor mill here: Will has come out in support of gay marriage, so we don't think it was because of homophobia -- just people invading spaces they weren't given permission to invade!

Either way -- not cool to jump to violence, Will!

We expect more from you!

[Image via WENN.]

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