Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Heidi Klum Lights NYCs Empire State Building Red To Fight Blood Cancer

The gorgeous, Heidi Klum, has surfaced in New York today to climb atop the city’s iconic, Empire State Building, and light it red and white in support of the fight to cure blood cancer. Heidi also spoke at the annual event, and posted a series of cute pics to her Twitter account showing her with [...]

The great news is that I got to see The Avengers last night!! The bad news is that I can’t review the film until Monday so … yeah. To be honest, I almost didn’t make it to the screening last night because of my crazy bizzy schedule. David and I returned home from NYC late Tuesday night and then we fly out to Mexico in just a few hours today so I didn’t have much time to do anything yesterday. After I worked, ran my errands and got in a quick workout, I made my way out to Burbank, CA to attend the screening on the Walt Disney Studios lot last night. It was a bizzy but mostly fun day.

I can say that I liked the film — A LOT! I cannot wait to tell you more but, alas, because of the review embargo I have to wait until Monday. So let’s change the topic. In the past few months, I read an amazing biography on Walt Disney and learned all about the Multiplane Camera that the Disney Studio invented when they created Snow White. One of those Mutiplane Cameras was on display at the Disney Studio yesterday and I got to check it out up close. Just … freaking cool as Hell :) Honestly, getting to see that camera up close was one of the highlights of my day :)

Today … we fly to Mexico. The wedding is Saturday so we’ll be bizzy until we get home on Sunday. I’ll be working as much as I can so you guys won’t miss me too much :) Have a great Thursday, y’all! I’ll see y’all next South of the Border :)
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