Thursday, May 17, 2012

The Kardashians Go To Church On Easter Sunday

Jesus! That's a lot of Kardashians. Ha!
The whole gang, with the exception of Khloe and Rob, went to church this morning in El Lay to celebrate Easter Sunday as one big happy family.
Kim looked stunning as usual in a short skirt and a bright yellow top, while Kourtney's spring dress hid her growing [...]

Sofia Vergara hosted Saturday Night Live this weekend and she killed it from start to finish!

Check out her cleavage opening monologue (above), in which she talks about her journey from Colombia to the very stage she's speaking on and recalls:

"I always heard that immigrants had a really hard life when they came to America, but when I showed up here everyone was so nice. The men bought me drinks and offered me a place to sleep. This country welcomed me with open arms and pulled down pants."

LOLz! Love it!

Do U think Mz. Vergara was a good host?

Babe Ruth
Al Capone
the vert chinois
William Mckinley

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