Monday, May 14, 2012

The Saturdays Do Diner Speed Dating In 30 Days Music Vid!

Or are they having a diner reunion? Or just clubbin’ it up at the diner??
Well, whatever they are doing at the diner, that cheeky British girl band, The Saturdays seem to be having the best fu***** time EVER, dancin' around, gettin all up in those hash browns and pancakes…
Check out the poperiffic new vid [...]

Yesssss! This is another HUGE victory for equality, the LGBT community, and most importantly, common sense!

A federal judge in San Francisco has ruled that denying insurance benefits to same-sex married couples is discriminatory!


The ruling is in response to a complaint filed by federal court law clerk Christopher Nathan who married his husband, Thomas Alexander, in 2008 before Proposition 8 was approved by voters.

Nathan's application to enroll his hubby in the federal government's health insurance plan was rejected last year by the Administrative Officer of the U.S. Courts, which cited the Defense of Marriage Act -- a 1996 law barring federal recognition of same-sex unions.

Judge James Ware ruled, however, that the denial of insurance benefits based on sexual orientation violates the federal court's guarantee of a "discrimination-free workplace."

Since he has no authority over the courts' national offices, Ware has instead ordered that Nathan be reimbursed by the chief clerk of the San Francisco federal court for past and future costs of his spouses insurance.

Right on!!! Same-sex married couples deserve EVERY benefit that straight married couples receive!

[Image via WENN.]

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